A government’s basic functions are to provide leadership, maintain order, provide public services, provide physical and economic security, and provide economic assistance to its citizens.
The purpose of the Maryland General Assembly is to pass laws necessary for the welfare of Maryland.
The Charles County Commissioners are responsible for raising revenues to fund the capital and operating budgets of County departments and agencies along with many other functions.
Central Committee members are the grass roots-level elected volunteers of the State Democratic Party.
State Government | Maryland General Assembly |
Local Government | Charles County Government |
Charles County Democratic Central Committee | CCDCC |
Charles County Sub-Area Plans | Sub-Area Plans |
Our state is taking decisive action to address COVID-19
Maryland Department of Health | COVID-19 |

“We Must Adjust To Changing Times And Still Hold To Unchanging Principles.”
Jimmy Carter
By Authority, Campaign to Elect Ralph E Patterson II
Jazsma Speece, Treasurer, P.O. Box 115 Pomfret, MD 20675